Child Safeguarding Protocol

At the heart of education is the child – his or her dignity, rights and duties. By Baptism the child is incorporated into the crucified and glorified Christ and is reborn to a sharing of the divine life. But Baptism itself is only a beginning, though it is wholly directed towards the acquiring of fullness of life in Christ.

A potent factor in education is respect for the dignity of the human person. Great is the dignity of children for they are called to communion with God. This dignity at once inspires zeal and demands respect.

Let the Brothers respect the unique personality and dignity of each pupil. Relations between Brother and child should be personal, cordial and inspired by the love of Christ.

Using the following link the Child Safeguarding Protocol March 2014 is downloadable.

Child Safeguarding Protocol March 2014


Use the following link to download Review of Safeguarding Practice in the Patrician Brothers:

NBSCCCI Review Report


Implementation of the Review Recommendations of the Patrician Congregation

Download here